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YOU asked, and we answered! When we did market research to find out what people wanted in dating apps, we were excited to we had those requirements in KiiQui. Online dating has been around since the days of AOL Dating and other channels. They have evolved a lot in the past decade or so. However, change has to continue if we want to meet the demands of dating app users. 

According to our research, some of the biggest complaints with dating apps were as follows:

  • Authenticityis something that is lacking because photos really don’t provide insight into how people are beyond the inanimate pic. 
  • Multiple Profiles are widespread and almost rampant dating apps. 
  • Misrepresentationis problematic on apps which happens when people display themselves differently than they appear in real life. 

This is how we solved those problems with KiiQui:

  1. Authenticity and getting a feel for personality can be challenging, but KiiQui’s platform is built on video. So instead of a ton of impersonal photos, you get to see short video clips of users. 
  2. Multiple profiles using one mobile is next to impossible due to how our app was created and encourages number verification for each use. 
  3. Misrepresentation is substantially minimized due to our live video chat option allowing users to talk directly on the app after matching.

So, ReTHINK Dating with KiiQui. Download it and let us know your thoughts on our social media channel.